AmigaOS3.5 (933/967)

Date:30 May 2000 at 00:45:24
Subject:Re: EmergencyBoot

Hello Duane,

On 29-May-00, you wrote:

> Hi,
> After reading on this list about all the boot problems, I decided to make a
> boot floppy from the emergency boot section of the CD. I soon discovered
> that it was not meant to be copied to a floppy. I very shortly ran out of
> space. What do I catually need on the floppy Workbench? Thanks

Generate an Emergencybootdisk and if your are using other devices than
scsi.device for your Backupdrive, do not forget to copy them (and the Mountlist
perhaps) manually onto the Disk.


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__ __ / / / / Better than ever!
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\ \ \/ / / / 730 kKeys RC5 (210MHz)
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\__/\__/ Amiga 1200T PPC AA AmigaOS 3.5 Powerup CyberGfx

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